Friday 20 June 2014

If you go down to the woods today...'ll find yourself in the middle of ADVENTURE FRIDAY!

Today Jacob and his merry band of little friends hit up Hagg Wood in Dunnington for their weekly outing. Jacob enjoyed climbing on and off tree stumps, balancing on logs, running wit da pack and stroking his friend Katy's hair. Katy did not share the love. And he was really good at walking next to me and holding my hand.

Hagg Wood is the kind of place that I knew must exist in the environs of York but didn't know where to find. You gotta love having kids for melding you into the local community.

Usurper by name, usurper by nature

Phoebe Marshall, watch out - Jacob's coming for your bouncy chair.

We went to see Emma today with nearly 4 week old Phoebe. When we arrived the wee one was in her bouncy chair, crying. Jacob seemed initially quite taken with her but promptly started trying to  tip her out of her chair.

This is what he did as soon as she vacated (without his assistance):

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Grape expectations

Someone ate half a punnet of grapes for a snack this afternoon.

The boy is made of grapes.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Trailing behind

Our smally gets bigger and bigger every day.

Today at Nina's, Roland said to Nina that it was time to go and Jacob trotted over to the door, waved, said "Aiya" and climbed into his trailer all by himself. Picking things out of the air that aren't directed at him (or wagging ears as his grandma would put it)... This boy less and less a baby all the time.

Proud mama.

Monday 16 June 2014

A barely photographed Oxfordian weekend

We've been to Oxford for the annual Lymington Rushmore camp prep day this weekend. We, as always, stayed with the Kettle snrs. It was lovely to Jacob warm up to them much more quickly this time; it's so great to see family often enough fir him to remember them.

It was gorgeous weather so we spent Saturday afternoon lounging in the garden. We fished out a little slide and rocker for Jakes and he had a great time climbing up the slide and down the steps - contrary so and so. Always one to embrace a challenge. He was also very busy trying to carry mugs around the garden and discovering bits of malt loaf to munch on.

On Sunday everyone except Martin was at the training day so Jacob and I took the opportunity to see Lois. We went to church with her at MCS, which was so weird because we'd never been there before and it felt odd to be seeing somewhere that's so connected with Kettles with someone who's not really connected with them at all. Jacob had a *great* time running around at the back if the hall crawling under tables and running between narrow pews. He went on to have an equally fab time in creche (there were bubbles, music, shakers and other children. What was not to love?). He was so absorbed in playing that he neither noticed me leave or come back.

My favorite thing was watching him play with another little girl about his age after the service. They just enjoyed running around after each other and grinning excitedly at each other, occasionally stopping to huddle in a thick as thieves fashion while emitting squeaks and grunts. Pictured below in a paparazzi without a zoom lens style.

All in all a fun weekend, nice to see various people and as ever to spend time with my boy watching him thrive and be so happy as he learns more and more about the world, trying and learning new things all the time.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Sitting Pretty

So the little one arrived!  If you're reading this you're probably a friend or close family member, so you'll know that and have probably by now met young master Jacob in the flesh.

We can't believe that he's now reached the grand old age of 8 weeks old - that's 2 whole months people - practically a grown up - and it's lovely to watch him beginning to take more of an interest in the world around him.  The last couple of weeks we've noticed that his upper body strength has improved loads so one evening we propped him upright in his pram, and he didn't fall over!  It's cool to be able to give him another vantage point from which to view the world.

We're off to the doctors this afternoon for his 8 week check and immunisations, so the next 24 hours may contain more cuddles than 'independent play'.  Wish us luck!

Love Becca and Jacob xxx